Monday, May 13, 2013

It's Caribbean Time

(The view from our front porch - that's the Caribbean Sea in the distance)

We're here. We made it. I can hardly believe it. Not that we had a particularly hard time (other than being held up at St. Kitt's customs for a bit due to our lack of address), but it's hard to believe that after the application process, interview, orientation and various meetings we have actually arrived at our host country and our journey is now beginning. The rest was just prep.

Mr. DeSuza, our boss and the project manager at the BNTF met us at the airport and we immediately headed to our office to get a tour and meet the rest of the team. Ms. Erslyn Patrick, our supervisor and the community liason office accompanied us. 

We met Ms. Christopher, our landlady and the four of us headed to our new home, where Kelvin, Ms. Christopher's son and Kelique, Kelvin's 3 year old son greeted us.  We got the run down on what areas were safe to walk through at what time of day, and it was all very confusing since I hadn't even been given the name of our street yet. Nevertheless everyone seems adamant that Claire and I get our bearings, so Mr. DeSuza took us out downtown that evening to introduce us to his friends in the main square, try some BBQ chicken and grab a couple of Kittian beers at a street party. We were exhausted but I think getting thrown into things is always the best way to shock your system into enjoying every moment and taking it all in...and theres definitely a lot of it to take in. 

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